Unfortunately, this blog post must exist entirely in your mind. A couple links will help, thank goodness.
Nevertheless, a vivid imagination will help you tremendously. I finished the red baby sweater (visualize sweater from a couple of posts ago but now with two sleeves) and was happily going to show you. Alas, I took many, many pictures of quite a few happy subjects, only to find out my camera would not download a thing. Not one picture. Tragic. It does not even acknowledge I connected it to the computer. Not good.
So, this is where your imagination comes in. Visualize finished baby sweater. To give my designer-brain a break I am knitting a very cute sweater with the same yarn (so that helps) for me. It is from Knit1 Spring/Summer 2009, #14 Leaf Yoke Top by Angela Hahn. The first link is to the Knit1 magazine and the second link is for the Ravelry project page for that pattern.
I absolutely love all things with a leaf motif and this is no exception. The pattern starts with knitting the leaf yoke separately, which I am about half way through currently. It is a pleasant pattern -- enough excitement to keep the mind occupied but not so much it hurts.
My mom gave me some of that lovely Cotton Tweed DK from Cabin Fever for my birthday. I thought I had plenty for a baby sweater and this sweater but I am a bit nervous, so I am resorting to quickly knitting the sweater for myself before giving the last of the dye lot AWAY and never seeing it again. I am not anti-stripes, so if necessary I will head to Wild Purls for a lovely stipe-alicious color.
My other exciting news that I can only vicariously show you is sunny Arizona!! Kate and I are visiting for a week and got here yesterday. Most lovely, I assure you. I have a happy place at my dad's house which I will be able to show you when I get home because it is pleasantly unchanged. It involves palm trees because everything here involves palm trees. And fresh lemonade (me) and fresh orange juice (Kate) at every turn.
Much knitting and reading will commence. I hope they will for you too.
Knit on.
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